Electronics Design

Designing the ATtiny412 Hello Board

Steps Image
First I have to download EAGLE and download the fab lab library from the GitHub repo step1
After that i create a new project/schematic step2
Next, I can start adding the necessary parts for the ATtiny412 in by clicking the ADD PART and find the relevent parts than click on OK. Components: ATtiny412 chip, Headers, Capacitors, Resistors, 1x3pinhead, etc.. step3 addpart step3
Using DRAW(Net), I connect the parts to the ATtiny412 chip step4 net
After connecting the components, I arrange the circuit neatly and keyed in the values fot the capacitors (1micro) and Resistors (1k and 10K) step4 net
Than I click on generate to conver schematic to board step5 netunarranged
After arranging the components, I set the line width to 16 using the "route" command than start connecting the components step4 net
After that the border is created, than I did a final check for any errors [ Tools -> DRC ] step4 net
After checking and making sure that there is no error, I off all layers except 1 & 17 and export the files as an image to obtain the traces and filled up the padholes(layer 17) using GIMP gimp trace
Off all layers except 46 for the outlines gimp outline
After I import the image after editing it in gimp, I use the mod software to generate the G-code and save it in my thumb drive than load it into the laptop and repeat the steps I did for the FTDI and UPDI
Fabricating the ATtiny412
Fabricating the ATtiny412 outline
Lastly, I had to solder the parts (LED, Resistors, capacitors, pushbutton, etc) on to the ATtiny412 board. I had to be very careful when I solder, first I had to apply flux on to the board before soldering. Tweezers was used to possition the parts as they are quite small. I had to use the heat gun to remove the components when I solder wrongly